Empower Student Voice with FlipGrid

 Empower Student Voice with FlipGrid

If you have not checked out the tool FlipGrid, now is the time! 


FlipGrid is a video response tool that allows you to create discussion prompts that students can reply to using audio and video recorded messages, all within the platform. Teachers can incorporate supplemental resources, such as videos, screencasts, articles, readings, Dos, Slides, and more to supplement a topic question before students respond. The Immersive Reader in FlipGrid, an accessibility feature, supports students by allowing them to have items read aloud, translation features available, picture dictionaries, and adjustments to font size, style (including fonts designed to support Dyslexia), and color. The "DiscoLibrary", also called "Discovery" allows teachers to discover topics, lessons, and assignments other teachers have created, shared, and made public for any other teacher to reuse. Some topics even integrate with popular resources, such as Wonderopolis, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, WWII Museum, Epic!, Code.org, and more!

Plus, students have the ability to have some fun with their responses by attaching filters, stickers, emojis, and animations to their responses. FlipGrid taps into some of the fun aspects of social media our students enjoy most, while incorporating them into an educational tool.

One of the best parts about FlipGrid? 

It is totally free!


FlipGrid aligns with Universal Design for Learning in many ways:
  • Choice in discussion topic can support multiple means of engagement (recruit interest)
  • Including resources (videos, texts, slides) can support multiple means of expression
  • FlipGrid as a means to show understanding supports options for action and expression


Learn how you can get started using FlipGrid today!

First, it is helpful to know key FlipGrid lingo:
  • Group: Refers to your class- a space where all of your students can find discussion prompts
    • Formerly known as "Grids"
  • Topic: The questions, or prompts, students will answer
  • Discovery: Where teachers can find topics that can be borrowed and copied
  • GridPals: Where you can connect your class with others across the globe- virtual pen pals!
The first time you use FlipGrid, you will need to create an educator account and set up a Group for your students to join. Make sure your Group is private- public Groups are only for students 18+. It is best if you set up your private Group so that students join by their school email; they won't need to receive an email to join, but each time they post a response, they will sign in with their BCSC Google account before posting a video. This ensures you only have students participating in your discussions-rather than strangers from the internet! 

Check out the slideshow (written guide) and video below for a full walk through on how to use FlipGrid's features!

Image courtesy of  Michal Czyz on Unsplash
